What is Knee Dislocation?

The knee is made up of 3 primary bones, the tibia and fibula form the lower leg and connect to the femur (the thigh bone). A knee dislocation occurs when one of the bones becomes moved out of place.

It’s important to note that a dislocation will usually cause further damage to the surrounding tendons or ligaments around the knee. The knee is combined by these tendons and ligaments, a dislocation can mean significant damage like tears and overstretching. If you have dislocated your knee and it has been popped back into place, it’s still important to consult a medical professional before engaging in anymore physical activity as you may not be fully aware of the damage you have sustained.

Physiotherapy and our braces will help you rehabilitate your knee. We want you getting back to your feet as fast as possible by offering fast delivery and other services. Love your brace or take advantage of our 30 day money back guarantee.

Causes of Knee Dislocation

Dislocation usually occurs with a hard collision or fall forcing the joint out of place. The following is a basic list of common causes of knee dislocations:

  • Sports/exercise
  • Sudden collisions e.g. car accidents
  • Knee clashes
  • Awkward landing/heavy falls  


A knee dislocation will usually incur a “pop” sound or feel in the knee, resulting in your knee giving out. You will not be able to stand up or balance on your own depending on the pain and damage done.

  • Pain can vary on the severity
  • Numbness around the area
  • Knee cap “popped” out of place
  • Severe swelling and inflammation

Treating a Knee Dislocation

A knee dislocation is an unpredictable injury, it can be near impossible to take preventative measures for the first time. Although post-injury, your knee becomes more prone to being dislocated again. It is usually advised that a knee brace is worn if you plan on engaging in physical activities in sports or activities which may cause strain on the knees.

RICE is advised during any stage of the injury:

  • Rest the knee above your heart, do not apply any weight or pressure on the affected area
  • Ice the knee immediately to reduce swelling and inflammation
  • Compress the knees to help restrict swelling and encourage blood flow
  • Elevating the injured area helps with swelling and inflammation 

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